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SQL For Data Analysis

Database management skill is one of the top 3 in demand skills in the IT industry. This course is designed to give you real world on the job skills that you can reuse in the work environment. This course uses MSQL to demonstrate the examples that will be carried out in the training.


I enjoyed the practical step by step guide with positive outcomes. I am so happy I took the decision to enroll in this course. I can't wait to start the next module.

Emmanuel Umoh

Network Engineer


I loved the fact that it is hands on and the instructors are always available and patient enough to ensure all queries are attended to. I am highly satisfied.

Ishola Abisoye

Chief Marketing Officer


Database management skill is one of the top 3 in demand skills in the IT industry. This course is designed to give you real world on the job skills that you can reuse in the work environment. This course uses MSQL to demonstrate the examples that will be carried out in the training.

This course outline is carefully drafted out after over five years of experience in the field of Database administration, development, Data warehousing and business intelligence to give you a career path and focus in Database management and development. 

Course objectives

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Database modeling 
  • Understanding Primary and foreign key concept
  • Creating databases using MYSQL Workbench and Query
  • Creating and managing tables – data type, length, null and default constraint.
  • Creating and managing Table relationship – one to many, one to one and many to many relationship
  • Cascading update and cascading delete concept
  • Working with data – Insert, select, update, delete
  • Creating and managing Indexes – clustered Index and none clustered index
  • Creating and managing views
  • Creating and managing  triggers 
  • Creating and managing stored procedure
  • Creating and managing events
  • Analyze data with SQL

Course curriculum

1. Module introduction

2. Download module resources

3. Download and Install SQL Server

4. Create a database and import tables

5. What is a database ?

6. Database object - Table

7. Database object - Index

8. Database object - View

9. Database object - Triggers

10. Create primary key on the branch table

11. Create primary keys on other tables

12. Import returns table and set primary

1. Database Modeling

2. Data Normalization

1. Module introduction

2. Download resources

3. DML - SELECT Command

4. DML - INSERT Command

5. DML - UPDATE Command

6. DML - DELETE Command

1. Module introduction

2. Download resources

3. DDL - CREATE Command

4. DDL - ALTER Command

5. DDL - DROP Command

6. DCL Commands

1. Module introduction

2. Download resources

3. How to work with the SELECT Statement

4. SELECT Statement with WHERE Clause

5. SELECT with WHERE and AND Clauses

6. SELECT With WHERE and IN Clauses

7. How to work with SELECT and DISTINCT

8. Subquery in the WHERE Clause

1. Module introduction

2. Download resources

3. Aggregate function - Count

4. Aggregate function - SUM

5. Aggregate function - Average

6. Aggregate function - MIN

7. Aggregate function - MAX

8. Math operators and calculations

1. Module introduction

2. Implementing inner join

3. Implementing left join

4. Implementing right join

5. Implementing full join

6. Join multiple tables in SQL

1. Module introduction

2. Download resources

3. Data transformation - Sales OrderDate

4. Data transformation - Products table

5. Data transformation - Customers table

6. Sales KPI - Revenue-Expenses-Profit-Profit Margin

7. Sales KPI correction

8. Monthly Revenue Trend Analysis

9. Monthly Revenue Trend Analysis explanation

10. Revenue by branch analysis

11. Revenue by Product Category

12. Revenue by top 5 products analysis

13. Revenue by customer gender

14. SQL Analysis Report

It's practical all through. No theory, no jagon, only practical.